Sunday, September 9, 2012


Kirby has had a good day and had a good night last night. She was awake a little more today but continues to be puffy in her face. This is to be expected due to the body adjusting to the pressures from the new anatomy from surgery. There was some fluid buildup around the lungs today which is also to be expected from being on the heart-lung bypass during surgery, therefore, the doctor placed a small chest tube to drain the fluid from that area. He was unable to get to this area during the open heart surgery, so, the tubes were not placed at that time. It was a simple procedure done at her beside today with some sedation. So, now that the fluid is gone and the chest is closed, the next step is to get Kirby off of the ventilator. That is the plan for tonight and tomorrow. They will begin CPAP trials (turning off the ventilator to let her breathe on her own) during the night and tomorrow and depending on how she does, they will remove the ventilator tomorrow evening. Praise God for continued progress!

1 comment:

  1. Praying those CPAC trials went well and that she is vent free this Tues. AM!! Continued prayers for an overall quick and smooth recovery-- and that you are headed HOME soon!!!

    In HIM--
    Jennifer Scruggs
